At Media Distillery we are constantly innovating and finding new ways to use AI & Machine Learning to improve viewing what better event if not TEQnation to talk about our latest discoveries?
People nowadays are used to great search services when it comes to the internet, but television and video service providers usually have search functionality that doesn't live up to the same standards. Due to a lack of metadata, user data, and a more difficult modality, most search results in video services won't go much further than a match on the title and the video description.
Our Machine Learning Engineer, Bram Zijlstra, together with our Backend Developer, Jaco Schalij showed how we brought search functionality to the next level in our session 'The Right Place and the Right Time: Building a Search Engine for Video Services' on May 12th at 8.45 (CEST time). They guided the audience through the creation process of a search service for video content that is adaptable to any video service platform.
This unique one-day conference is designed by developers, for developers with numerous tech centred activities focusing on the major technological trends disrupting the IT business. With plenty of topics addressed ranging from Modern Infrastructures to IoT, TEQnation gives you the possibility to follow live sessions from the tech's industry most talented speakers, assist to many live demonstrations and surround yourself with a network of many like-minded developers around you!
April 6, 2022