Preview Distillery™

Enhance Content Discovery with AI-Generated Video Previews

Preview Distillery™ leverages advanced AI and machine learning to automatically generate representative, short video previews from live broadcast and on-demand content. These dynamic snippets give viewers a quick and appealing glimpse of a program's content, improving the experience of choosing something to watch.


How full-motion video snippets drive user engagement

Streaming and social media have rapidly moved from text-centric content discovery to a visual approach. Netflix, Instagram, YouTube etc. all make use of auto-play clips to entice users and help them quickly see if a video is interesting to them. But not all shows or episodes come with trailers. Harnessing the power of AI and ML to auto-generate a scene from a documentary, snippet from a talk show, or a sequence from a sports programme, makes it possible to offer full-motion promos for all your content.


The benefits

Reduce content discovery time

Help viewers make the right viewing choices with representative, short previews that minimise frustration.

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Get video previews fast. No manual effort

Fully automated, near real-time preview generation maximizes the post-broadcast catch up & replay viewing window.

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Video previews across your content catalogue

Upgrade to video-centric discovery for all your content. Combine auto-previews with your existing trailers.

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How it works

Preview Distillery applies audiovisual analysis to the content in near real-time, using a suite of AI techniques, including scene detection, audio and speech detection, content segmentation (chaptering), and topic detection, to create representative snippets. To avoid spoilers, previews are typically generated from the beginning of a program, ensuring a safe yet informative experience for viewers. 

For live broadcasts, Preview Distillery leverages the company’s flagship solutions EPG Correction Distillery™ and Ad Break Distillery™ to ensure content is selected from the right program and does not contain ads.

The previews are provided as video clips via Media Distillery’s API which is also used for the Time Marker Suite. This allows for seamless integration by customers who already use Media Distillery services.

Interested in Preview Distillery™? Contact us